Word of Life Substance Abuse Center is an outpatient substance abuse and counseling center offering treatment for chemical dependency and varying mental health issues. Word of Life Substance Abuse Center has experienced great success using The GOD 14 (Getting Off Drugs in 14 Weeks) curriculum, achieving exceptional success rates for recovery from addiction to alcohol, street, and prescription drugs. Recovery from substance abuse can have difficult changes mentally, physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. With this in mind, a whole-person, holistic approach is utilized for complete recovery.
Understanding our beliefs, acknowledging Godly choices, and adding the power of God through faith and prayer.
Recognizing the power of God needed to bring change and help to those in need.
Man is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body. A person's spirit is most significant for empowering change, yet recovery should incorporate healing of the whole person.
Trained and caring people can help others through life's difficulties.
God has a wonderful plan, and purpose for one's life that is bigger than life's major issues.
The gracious heart of God, the power of His Spirit, the example of His Son, and the truth of the Bible.
• Grief/Loss
• Individual Counseling
• Pre and Marital Counseling
• Spiritual Development
The Word of Life Substance Abuse Center has partnered with Health and Human Services, DCFS, and State and Federal Probation to provide a holistic recovery from all addictions.